Thanks to customers support and Brother Union Engineers Hardworking,Nowadays, we've served roll formed parts manufacturers for a wide range of industries, include Automotive, Road Guardrail, Storage Shelving & Racking, Door & Window Framing, Roofing and Wall Siding, Rail Water Downspout and Gutters,Building and Construction, Cable Tray & Ladder, Solar Energy Power Framing, Agricultural Silo and others.
Brother Union Machinery are still serving customers in rollforming production companies around the world by our High Quality Roll Forming Equipment and Conscientious Service.
Everyday, Engineers of Brother Union Machinery are getting down to learn & work and we are always ready to provide customer-satisfied rollforming solutions.
Thanks to the sincere feedback and assistance from our users, we are able to build better roll forming machines. Over the years, we have grown and improved with our customers.
Together, Forming our metal profiles!
Roll Formed Profile-Samples by Brother Union Roll Forming Machines.
Brother Union Machinery has designed and manufactured roll forming machines for wide range industries, including: Automotive, Road Barrier, Storage Shelf & Racks, Door & Window Frames, Roof Panels, and Wall Panels, Rain Water Downpipes and Gutters, Building and Construction, Cable Tray & Ladder, Solar Energy Power Framing, Agricultural Silo, and others.